Campaign 2018 in the books – thanks all


Campaign 2018 is in the books for me. I will end it as I started it with a pledge to be respectful, responsive and realistic regardless of outcome. I will also add reflective. The campaign has given me plenty upon which to reflect. Engaged discussion, challenged assumptions, critical conversations.

I’m very grateful to all of you.

I’m thankful to all of you who have stopped and asked me questions, shared views and showed your amazing love of this place we call home.

I am thankful for community members who have stepped up and done deep dives into issues and taken positions on the choices we face as a community. That takes guts. Good on you!

I am thankful for the work of our local media who gave of their time and talent to bring you information about all the candidates. The fifth estate. We must never forget the role of free press.

I am thankful for all those who put their names forward. It’s a steep climb and a nerve wracking process.

Tonight, I will unwind with friends, maybe play a game of scrabble or cards and have a few laughs.

Tomorrow, I will share a meal with my neighbourhood at the Canoe Seniors Hall (everyone welcome) then walk to North Canoe School and cast my ballot with my kids in tow (if they’re willing – #becauseteenagers)

I will spend the rest of the day making up for weeks of overdue household chores to absorb the nervous energy of election day.

And I will wait with anticipation (as a child does at Christmas) for your decision. I hope there’s an orange in the bottom of my stocking and not a lump of coal.

Still, for all the strife in the world, please know that as citizens our most precious right is the right to vote. Thank you for doing that.

Loulou out.   It’s all up to you now.

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